Alan Flavell's Rag-bag

There's a disclaimer at the end.

Some now-historical relics

Interesting links elsewhere

Disclaimer: This is a random collection of bits and pieces that have grown up over time. It's not presented as a demonstration of how to write an attractive home page: quite the contrary, I am well aware that it's just a relatively formless list. Most of these documents have proper pointers to them in their appropriate places. This is just a rag-bag of things that I have written and occasionally want to refer to, or to things that I found interesting for whatever reason and wanted to bring to your attention.

My aims in web design are to optimise the pages to make their content accessible to a wide range of browsing situations and of browsers offering a reasonable conformance to the open, published, HTML and other WWW specifications, at the same time trying to make the rendering visually attractive on such browsers as are capable of producing visually attractive rendering. Where necessary, the pages have been "pessimised" (to coin a term) so as not to fall foul of known bugs and shortcomings on the browsers from the Big Two vendors. (I'm not claiming that I'm always successful in those aims, but that's at least a statement of what I aim for.)

All the pages addressed to a general audience should be found accessible to your choice of browser, provided that the browser supports HTML specifications to some modest degree. Of course, that does not mean that the pages will "look the same" on every browser: for one thing, the optional enhancements of the presentation via CSS stylesheets self-evidently won't be seen on a browser that does not support CSS; and on some browsers having defective support for CSS it might prove desirable or even necessary for the reader to turn off the browser's interpretation of CSS.

Some specific pages may have a particular functional requirement, e.g for something that cannot be done in a browser-compatible way, and in those cases the page(s) may call for the use of a more-conformant browser, or even in some cases for a specialised browser or plug-in: but I aim only to do this for topics that are addressed to a specialised audience?- where the readers might be expected to already have browsers that support the speciality?- or as a demonstration of some particular technique.

I have tried to summarize my own view of the WWW and ways of utilising it.

All statements are, of course, made to the best of my knowledge, and no liability is accepted by myself or my employers.
