Toby Speight tests FORMs on emacs-w3
In this document, I (Alan Flavell) am summarising the results contained in Toby's full report, concentrating on points where emacs-w3 differs in any way from the expected results. The full text of the report is also available, in case I've omitted or misrepresented anything. Toby gives the relevant software versions as:
WWW: 2.3.30
URL: 1.6
Emacs: FSF GNU emacs 19.30.1 on HP-UX
The appearance of the FORM
- INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT with NAME=xxx but without VALUE= :
- Displayed as Submit this form.
- INPUT TYPE=IMAGE, with/without NAME=xxx / VALUE=yyy
- Displayed as imageinput in all four cases
- the SRC= is ignored, as would seem to be the obvious ploy. The RESET button is displayed as Reset fields.
- The SIZE=n attribute had no apparent effect
Effect on form submission
- INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT with NAME=nnn but without VALUE= :
- the form submission contained the name, but a null value. (Note, this differs from certain other browsers, which send a spoof string - typically the one which they used for labelling their default "Submit button" - such as Submit%20Query.)
- TYPE=IMAGE with NAME=nnn, with or without VALUE=vvv :
- Sends nnn.x=0 and nnn.y=0, exactly as for a graphical browser with co-ordinates 0,0. The "value" is ignored (as for a graphical browser; but unlike Lynx).
- TYPE=IMAGE without a "name", with or without a "value".
- Sends .x=0 and .y=0 (leading period in both cases); the "value" is is ignored. (Note that Netscape sends x=0 and y=0, without a leading period, in these situations. WinMosaic 2.1's behaviour was bizarre! Note also that Lynx behaves differently. These behaviours are documented elsewhere.)
Toby very reasonably points out the benefit of using the pre-filled fields technique in order to pre-fill a field for the caller's email address (HTTP_FROM) if they send one. I'm happy to pass on that advice, and I've added one to my forms demonstration document to illustrate it, although I suspect that a large number of users are deliberately not filling in the associated browser configuration field, in order to avoid being identified by too many nuisance-email senders.
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